
Check out the current 2024 Program and find out what incredible things we’ve got in store for you! We are still adding to it, so stay tuned for more exciting updates!



08:00 - 09:00 Registration, Coffee and Partner Expo
09:00 - 09:20 Opening and Speaker Previews
09:20 - 10:00 Keynote

Building Resilient Business – The Intersection of Technology and Culture

10:00 - 10:30 Coffee Break
10:30 - 10:55 Session 1

Democratising Data Insights: How RAG Chatbots Unlock Integrated Access to Drive Productivity (Part I)

Responsible AI in Practice: From Data to Delivery at Scale

Black Swan Incoming: Brace Yourselves For The Unknown

11:00 - 11:25 Session 2

Cloud Platform Engineering: Lessons at Scale

Data Mesh at BLKB: Organisation, Governance and Technology

Democratising Data Insights: How RAG Chatbots Unlock Integrated Access to Drive Productivity (Part II)

AI in the Media: Balancing Innovation, Quality and Responsibility

Building a Data & AI – Driven Retail Bank: Insights & Journey

11:30 - 11:55 Session 3

Unlocking Success: Helvetia’s Data Center Exit Journey

Empowering Agricultural Research Through Data-Driven Insights

Digital, Confident and Independent- Future Cloud Strategy at Schwartz IT

12:00 - 12:25 Lunch Break & Partners Expo

Unlocking AI Literacy: An Interactive Escape Room Adventure

13:15 - 13:30 Afternoon welcome and speaker previews
13:30 - 13:55 Session 4

Developer Experience and Platform Engineering with the Open Platform Plane Association

Deploying a Global Industrial Workforce of Autonomous Robots

Path to Success: Mastering Enterprise Serverless Solutions

14:00 - 14:25 Session 5

Why Swiss Sovereignty Matters – from Private Cloud to Sovereign AI

Cloud Cost Innovation: Roche’s Evolutionary Journey to FinOps

Harnessing Cloud and AI to Accelerate Sustainability Transformation

Bühler D[AI]ta Strategy: Pioneer Tomorrow’s Vision, Define Today’s Reality

14:30 - 14:55 Session 6

Open AI in Swiss Regulated Market – Achieving Compliance BY DESIGN following the New Federal Act

Innovating with Red Hat OpenShift: Zurich’s Cloud Strategy Unveiled

Keeping AI on Track – How to Deal With AI Risks & Challenges

GenAI in Software Development

15:00 - 15:30 Coffee Break
15:30 - 15:55 Session 7

From Illusion to Impact: A Journey Through Data Science Missteps

Disrupting Traditions: Alpian, a Cloud-Only Swiss Private Bank

Analytics Translation: Bridging the Gap Between Business and Tech

16:00 - 16:30 Closing Keynote

Generative AI and Enabling the Next Era of Drug Discovery

16:30 - 16:45 Conference wrap up and Outlook into 2025
16:45 - 18:30 Apero and Networking

2024 Conference Partners

Platinum Partners

Gold Partners

Frequently Asked Questions

For whom is Cloud Leadership Day?

Cloud Leadership Day brings together over 800 leaders and experts from across industries to share their experience and insights on the latest trends, best practices, and strategies related to cloud transformation

Who is deciding on the topics?

The program is selected by an independent board of customer representatives and delivered by cloud practitioners and experts. Content is selected to provide maximum benefit to participants through relevant topics, innovative insights, and clear, actionable takeaways. 

When will the 2024 program be released?

Our board members are currently reviewing speaker submissions to decide which talks to bring to the Cloud Leadership Day stage.

The first round of speakers will be announced at the end of February, so stay tuned!

When and where does Cloud Leadership Day take place?

Cloud Leadership Day will be on June 19, 2024, from 7am to 5.30pm CEST, followed by informal drinks and networking.  

This in-person conference will be held at: 

Arena Cinema Zurich 

Kalanderplatz 8 

8045 Zurich 

What type of tickets exist?
Early Bird tickets are available until December 31, 2023. Grab them before they fly away! 
Individual tickets, as well as discounted group tickets, will be available after Early Bird. For more info about pricing, head to our ticket shop or drop us an email.



What about the co-located Data & AI Leadership Day?

Data & AI are important topics in the cloud area too, which is why this conference will take place alongside Data & AI Leadership Day. Ticket holders will have access to both conferences.